Easy Tips For Camper Rental Success

You spent the last week packing for a cross-country RV trip with your best friends. You bought new clothes, arranged a car rental through your favorite online portal, and packed several extra bags in case of last minute Airbnb reservations. But when all is said and done, you return to your own home empty-handed. Rental properties have it hard enough without dealing with added stress from unhelpful guests who are always booking the same resorts and camping spots months in advance. So how can you ensure successful camper rental business? Here are some tips that will help you succeed:


First and foremost, you’ll need to do your research before booking a rental property. Ensure you’re aware of the local laws and regulations, including whether you’re allowed to return the camper after the trip is over, what repairs are required if something goes wrong, and the camper’s stats. Learn as much as you can about the hosts you’ll be working with. They’re your colleagues and fellow travelers on the road, after all, so it’s important to get to know them.


When you’re conducting business as a tourist you don’t typically have the luxury of an organized schedule. You mayFunction as a tourist or work from home. You may choose to live on the road or rent a home. Your schedule may be irregular, but it’s not chaotic. You know where you are, what time you should be at each location, and what you should do in each moment. In contrast, renting a camper and staying in someone else’s home is a chaotic experience. You have no idea where to go, what to do, or who to meet.


Before you book a rental property, be flexible and open-minded about the types of travelers you want to work with. Be willing to work with all types of travelers, particularly families and older individuals who want to spend their time in nature. Try to be flexible with your rental terms as well. Some hosts may not allow children under the age of 12 on their property. Be flexible and consider your hosts’ preferences when finalizing your rental terms. Be open-minded. A rental property that’s too restrictive will just sound-clicker, while a property that’s too permissive will probably be boring to visit.


Before you book a rental property, make sure you have an emergency contact name and number handy. Make sure you know your rights as a renter and have a back-up plan if things go wrong. For example, if your host has a medical condition that prevents them from working, you should be aware of the rules regarding workers’ compensation and what to do if something goes wrong while your host is out. And of course, if you need a little help during your trip, don’t be shy about asking!


Remember that rental properties are businesses and should be treated as such. Prior to your trip, make sure to request a contract with the management company, including the rent requirements, any required documents, and what happens if you don’t meet those requirements. Make sure to read the contract carefully and make any corrections if necessary. If you have a scheduling conflict, be sure to let the host know as soon as possible so they can accommodate you.

Rental properties have it hard enough without having to deal with unhelpful guests who are always booking the same resorts and camping spots months in advance.